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Forklift Seats

Seats for Forklifts Lansing

Seats for Forklifts Lansing - The city of Lansing is the 5th largest city within the state of Michigan. It serves a population of almost 115,000 residents and is likewise the state capital. The city of Lansing is located within the Counties of Ingham and Eaton. The whole Lansing Metropolitan Area is called locally as "Mid-Michigan", a center for government, education, culture and business. The population of its Metropolitan Statistical Area is 464,036.

The area's educational institutions include nursing and medical schools, a veterinary school, two law schools (including the Thomas M. Cooley Law School) and Michigan State University. Government institutions comprise a federal court, the state capital, the state Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. The area is home to high-tech manufacturing and the head offices of four national insurance firms.

During the year 1847, Lansing battled the city of Detroit to become the state capital. Back then, Lansing was just a small community, but was chosen as the state capital due to its central location. By 1859, Lansing became incorporated as a city with a population of a few thousand. As Lansing grew, a state capitol building was built and a railroad was constructed through the city. When Olds Motor Vehicle Company was founded within Lansing in 1897, the city's growth increased because it became a significant industrial center. Automotive manufacturing as well as other businesses prospered. The city of Lansing has become more diversified in recent decades, with the expansion of manufacturing, government, healthcare, banking, education and insurance. The services sector is based mainly on healthcare.

General Motors operates an assembly plant in Lansing, in addition to some other manufacturing facilities. Numerous people are employed by government, biotechnology and information technology companies, and by national insurance companies: Jackson National Life, Auto-Owners Insurance, Michigan Millers Insurance Company and the Accident Fund.

Prima Civitas is a job-creation initiative. Launched during the year 2006 by Michigan State University in collaboration with East Lansing and Lansing, it is intended to boost the area's technology business.

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